Dr Ajay Mathur
Director General
Bureau of Energy Efficiency


Dr Ajay Mathur is Director General of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, and a member of the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change. As Director General of BEE, Dr Mathur coordinates the national energy efficiency programme, including the standards and labeling programme for equipment and appliances; the energy conservation building code; the industrial energy efficiency programme, and the DSM programmes in the buildings, lighting, and municipal sectors. Prior to joining BEE, Dr Mathur has worked on energy research, financing, and implementation. He has headed the World Bank’s Climate Change Team in Washington, DC; and the Energy Engineering Division of TERI in New Delhi; and has also been President of Suzlon Energy Limited. Dr Mathur received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Roorkee, and PhD from the University of Illinois. He received the Outstanding Alumni Award of the University of Illinois in 2002. Dr Mathur is the co-author of three books, and has been a lead author of the IPCC.


The Role of Government Incentives Advancing NZEBs

Knowledge Centre – Passive Strategies