Embodied building emissions can be reduced by 50%

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Arup, have published a research titled, ‘Net-zero buildings: Halving construction emissions today’, which focuses on lowering upfront embodied carbon in construction.This…

ZerO-In Dialogue #3 on Consumer Engagement for G-NZEBs

Consumer Engagement for G-NZEBsWatchAboutSpeaker profilesWatchAboutGrid interactive buildings are smart – enabling data analytics to optimally manage loads, occupant preferences, and grid requirements. However, there is growing recognition that technology alone…

ZerO-In Dialogue #2 on Emerging Technologies for G-NZEBs

Emerging Technologies in G-NZEBsWatchAboutSpeaker profilesWatchAboutGrowing electricity demand, emergence of multiple peaks, distributed power, electric vehicles, infrastructure constraints, and an increasing share of renewables in the network are a challenge for…

January 2022

Grid-Interactive Net Zero Energy Buildings ZerO-In Grid-Interactive Net Zero Energy Buildings for a Net Zero Emission Future Delivering the national statement at the COP26 global climate summit in Glasgow, the…

Ralph DiNola

New Buildings Institute CEO, Ralph DiNola, has dedicated his professional life to bringing sustainability, green building and energy efficiency innovation to scale. For more than 20 years he has served…