Irumbai, Tamil Nadu to be the First Fully- Solar Powered Village in the Country
Sacramento Aims to go Carbon Neutral by Electrifying its Homes, Including Low Income and Moderate Income homes
3D – printed Brick made of Upcycled Plastic offers 10 times more insulation compared to clay-bricks
Netherlands are Constructing the World’s Largest Sun Tracking Solar Islands
EDS has been selected to help 100 buildings achieve Net Zero Energy (NZEB) Status
Technology which uses Solar Panels to Extract Drinking Water from Air!
NZEB tour | Infosys campus at Pocharam, Hyderabad
EDS conducted the NZEB tour to Infosys net-zero energy campus at Pocharam on 23 November for a group of 53 professionals and students. Participants got a first-hand experience of the high-performance strategies across the campus.While Infosys has grown over the last decade by more than 150% in terms of the number of employees, the monthly energy consumption per employee has more than halved! Key to this has been stringent standards of building performance.
NZEB Tour | Indian Green Business Centre (IGBC)
The Hyderabad study tour kickstarted with a visit to the first Platinum-rated LEED building in India, the iconic Sohrabji Indian Green Business Centre (IGBC). With an EPI of 85 kWh/sq.m/yr, the centre exemplifies sustainable performance through the thoughtful integration of passive and active measures. The building recently received an ambitious retrofit to target a net-zero energy facility. It now features a 124 kWp bi-facial photovoltaics and a highly efficient water cooled chiller system.