Installation of Renewables to Prove Cheaper than Coal by 2030
New reports find that by the year 2030, renewables will beat 96 percent of today’s existing coal-fired generation across the world. With a number of nations announcing a complete ban on…
Berkeley to become the first in the nation to ban natural gas lines in homes
With reports showcasing that the burning of natural gas has contributed to the 27% of Berkeley’s total greenhouse gas emissions in 2016, the city in a major move has become the…
Announcing NZEB study tours
NZEB study tours facilitate knowledge-sharing about Net-Zero or Low-Energy Buildings. Participants visit operational high-performance buildings and interact with the operations team to gain on-field insights. Upcoming tours
Participate in the rainwater harvesting #nzebindia photo contest!
July #nzeb photocontest India is facing its worst water crisis right now, with 21 cities expected to run out of groundwater by 2020. Our best bet right now is RAINWATER.…
The May ’19 #nzebindia photo contest winner!
Designplace.blr is the winner of the #nzebindia photo contest for May! It beautifully captures the time-tested ability of courtyards to bring diffused daylight indoors. We also want to give a…
The Global Net-Zero Energy Homes Market to Increase by 28% between 2019 and 2028.
The Net-zero homes market stock is on the rise which is primarily driven by the increase in the installation of renewable energy technologies. The stock is expected to increase from 57,800…
U.S Mayors Form Coalition with C40 for Making all New Buildings Net-Zero by 2030.
In the United States, buildings generate half of the greenhouses gases for many of the cities. In a major move, around 19 majors of various U.S states such as New…
UK’s Chief Climate Change Advisory Body proposal urges Britain to become a Net-Zero greenhouse emitter by 2050.
The Committee on Climate Change (CCC), which is the chief climate change advisory body of Britain has proposed that the United Kingdom should adopt the most stringent policy to completely…
Utah announces Advanced Clean Energy Storage (ACES), the World’s Largest Renewable Energy Storage Project
In central Utah, there are times in a day when the demand for electricity is lower than its production. This has led to the curtailment of renewable energy as well…