Energy Conservation Act has provisions for regulation of energy consumption in facilities with high energy use or high energy use intensity. These are identified as “designated consumers”. Objective is to identify areas with excessive energy consumption and implement measures to rectify the same. Private, government, semi government, industrial, institutional, and commercial buildings fall in this category. Responsibility of identifying designated consumers lies with Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
State designated agencies (SDAs) across all states are coordinating, regulating and enforcing regular energy audits of “designated consumers” as per the mandate of Energy Conservation Act 2001. Few state governments have also announced financial incentives to encourage building owners for energy audits by certified energy auditors/ ESCOs.
BEE regulates a cadre of verification professionals or “energy auditors” to conduct the energy audits. Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), upgrade the energy efficiency of existing government buildings through retrofitting on performance contracting mode, are also the jurisdiction of BEE.