India Energy Residential Survey (IRES) states 88% LED bulb penetration in India

India Energy Residential Survey (IRES) is a study conducted by Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policy (ISEP) which surveyed 15000 households across 21 states. Affordable government schemes for LED led to the 88% led bulb penetration and energy efficiency in Indian households, however 25% of the households knew about Star Labeling scheme of Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Read more

India to replace 373 gigawatts (GW) of coal based power plants by Renewables

Mr R K Singh, Power Minister announced that all the coal based power plants which are retiring are going to be replaced by renewable sources based power plants. India is world’s second largest coal consumer after China and coal based power plants account to 373 GW of power generating capacity. India is aiming for 175 GW of installed renewable-based power capacity by 2022. Read more

University of Cambridge aims for net zero emissions by 2038

The Cambridge University Endowment Fund (CUEF) plans to withdraw investments with conventional energy-focused public equity managers by December 2020, before building up significant investments in renewable energy by 2025. It will then move to divest from all meaningful exposure in fossil fuels by 2030, on its way to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire investment portfolio by 2038, in line with the university’s broader targets. Read more

China aims for net-zero emissions by 2060

With a tally of 28% global emissions presently, China announces its climate action plan to aim for net zero emissions by 2060. For a country which relies on coal to generate its 60% of electricity, the commitment for net zero emissions call for significant reforms in policies and reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels. At present, the electric mobility accounts to 2% of the transportation industry and renewable resources account to 10% of the total power generation. Energy efficiency is going to play a pivotal role in the transformation of China. Read more

Australia plans to invest 18 billion AUD to cut carbon emissions

After 13 years, Australia is coming up with a climate and energy policy as at the end of 2019, the country was half way to meet its Paris climate target agreement  which is to reduce the emissions of the country by 26 – 28 % from its 2005 level by 2030.

The government will focus on investing in hydrogen, energy storage, low carbon steel and aluminium, carbon capture and storage, and carbon sequestration in soil. Read more

IIT Hyderabad-incubated startup PURE EV decides to take Nepal as the first international pitstop

PURE EV was incubated by IIT-Hyderabad. It has an in-house battery manufacturing facility and a research setup based out of IIT-Hyderabad campus where the company’s dedicated R&D team works.

The premium model ‘EPluto7G’ will be launched in Nepal by October 2020. A unique aspect of this vehicle is that the battery and the vehicle have been designed and developed factoring in the gradient requirements of Nepal. Read more

Rajasthan plans to develop 300 MW roof top solar plants

The Govt of Rajasthan announced a green energy city initiative in the budget of 2020-21 to develop 300 MW roof top solar power plants in the next five years in order to promote green energy and discourage the usage of fossil fuels to generate power.

The projects would come up in private residential, public buildings, tourist landmarks, parks, and community facilities. Read more

India credits $100 million to Sri Lanka for RE project implementation.

India is offering $100 million line of credit to set up solar power plants in Sri Lanka. The finance will also cater to development of rooftop solar power plants in 20,000 households and 1000 government buildings, and a floating solar power farm. Read more

Electric Vehicle Charging Station Guidelines for Bangladesh

Adoption of “Easy Bikes” and electric three wheelers has been on the rise in the country of Bangladesh and the market potential for four wheelers is huge. To reduce charging inefficiency and uneven charging load the Govt of Bangladesh via SREDA introduced EV charging station guidelines. SREDA disseminates knowledge and awareness on EV and its associated subjects via online workshops, the recent workshop was held on 19 Aug 2020. Read more

JLL occupied buildings to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030

JLL signs World Green Building Council Net Zero Carbon Building Commitment to achieve decarbonization across global portfolios by implementing science-based target as aligned to the 1.5C ambition of the Paris Agreement.  JLL will seek to minimize the purchase of offsets by driving the take up of renewable energy and improving the energy efficiency of its portfolio as a priority. Read more

Economically weaker section (EWS) housing project to install energy efficient appliances

Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) in association with Govt of Andhra Pradesh will be installing energy efficient appliances in the 30 lakh house holds to be built under the EWS scheme.

The Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings (ECBC-R) is being implemented in AP’s housing programme. Read more

Sports Complex in Vizag to run in Green Energy

The sports complex which is under construction will meet its energy demand by a 15 kW solar power plant which is expected to generate 24000 KWh/year, reducing carbon emissions to the tune of reduces 21 tonnes a year. Read more

Knowledge Centre – Passive Strategies